Posts tagged hempcrete
How to Get Hempcrete into Your Structure

Been dreaming of hempcrete insulation, but are not sure where to turn to? We’re here to help!

This nascent industry can feel a little challenging to access, but the situation is improving. Hempcrete installers typically are willing to travel some distance to install their material in your structure. Advance planning and coordination goes a long way to make this carbon-beneficial material a reality for you!

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Hempcrete 101 Webinar Video + Bonus Features!

Join Alex Sparrow of UK Hempcrete and Tom Rossmassler of HempStone for an introduction to a natural, carbon-beneficial building material. Hempcrete is a bio-composite walling and insulation material that has captured the attention of the construction industry in the US to address embodied carbon in buildings. Alex has been working with Hempcrete for over a decade in the UK, and co-authored The Hempcrete Book: Designing and building with hemp-lime.

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