Posts in training
Next Week: Hempcrete 201 - Take it to the Next Level with this Natural Material

Dive into the essential details of hempcrete you won’t want to miss!

In Hempcrete 201, Alex Sparrow of UK Hempcrete shares robust detailing while Tom Rossmassler of HempStone provides the latest information on hempcrete in the US industry. We’'ll post additional resources to accompany the presentation which aid the adoption of this material in the industry.

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Hempcrete 101 Webinar Video + Bonus Features!

Join Alex Sparrow of UK Hempcrete and Tom Rossmassler of HempStone for an introduction to a natural, carbon-beneficial building material. Hempcrete is a bio-composite walling and insulation material that has captured the attention of the construction industry in the US to address embodied carbon in buildings. Alex has been working with Hempcrete for over a decade in the UK, and co-authored The Hempcrete Book: Designing and building with hemp-lime.

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Hempcrete 101 with Alex Sparrow and Tom Rossmassler

Hempcrete 101 - Back to the Future with Carbon-beneficial Materials has shifted to online, and you are invited! We welcome you to this free one hour webinar on June 18th at 1pm EDT.

Learn something new, earn some professsional continuing education credits, and enjoy!

Alex and Tom will serve up some delightful imagery and fundamental details of hempcrete, and wet your appetite for an even deeper dive into hempcrete come August when NESEA hosts BE Boston 2020.

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