We help you put radically responsible materials to task.
Natural is beautiful.
This bio-composite is as versatile as it is resilient.
First US Hempcrete Building, Asheville, NC. Designed and Built by Anthony Brenner of Push Design.
Trusted around the world as a robust, high-performance sustainable building system, hempcrete is simply 3 natural components:
wood core of the hemp plant + a lime-based binder + water.
Hempcrete, a bio-based mass formed by the blending and fusing of separate particles of matter in one body.
Hempcrete and concrete are both lime-based composites that can be installed or applied in similar manners. From there, the properties and characteristics of these two composite materials diverge. Hemp replaces stone as the aggregate. Due to differences in the lime-based mineral binder, Hempcrete has a greater vapor permeability and lower specific heat capacity than concrete, has insulation properties, and is not typically used structurally.
Hempcrete is poised to take the industry by storm. For good reason:
Hempcrete building systems:
insulate while providing thermal mass
relegate humidity
resist mold and rot
deter insects and vermin
have excellent acoustic performance
have the highest CO2 storing capacity of any building material
provide keys for natural plasters
are fireproof
This video shows HempStone’s Hemp+Lime block fire test 2019, courtesy of Shelby and Kirin.
Discover why this material has stood the test of time and is winning the hearts and imaginations of designers and builders the world over.

Ready to put your specification where your aspiration is?
Take a deep dive into the rich world of carbon beneficial materials and help lead our industry in responsible design and construction solutions.
NESEA Boston Conference, March 24, 2020
Alex Sparrow, UK Hempcrete and Tom Rossmassler, HempStone