Combines performance with quality.
This simple biocomposite building material is healthy, resilient, and carbon beneficial; used throughout the thermal envelope in both new construction and existing buildings.
Pure & simple
Simple is smart, safe, and effective.
Hempcrete is a natural material formed from the chopped stalk of the industrial hemp plant, wet-mixed with a mineral binder, this binder typically having lime (CaCO3) as its largest constituent.
hempcrete = hemp (aggregate) + Lime (binder) + Water (reactant)
Breathe easily with hempcrete.
Hempcrete is safe, non-toxic and biodegradable, coexisting in harmony with our lifestyles, the building structure, and the world around us.
Versatile as a building material, hempcrete serves as a complete above-grade insulating thermal envelope - offering healthy solutions for walls, ceilings, and floors.
Healthy + versatile = naturally resilient
Best of both worlds.
A lime-based mineral binder coats each hemp hurd, offering a natural material that resists mold growth, deters pests, and won’t burn.
The vapor permeable property of hempcrete helps regulate building humidity, while its matrix structure provides excellent sound adsorption.
natural resilience with superior carbon capture
Good for the world.
carbon beneficial
Industrial hemp is rapidly renewable resource with the greatest CO2-storing potential of any insulation building material. Hemp averages 10 tons per acre of carbon capture in 5,300 pounds of stalk.
hempcrete offers a better building solution
Build better with hempcrete.
Let’s build
With radical responsibility.
Responsible Design and Construction begins with understanding. Learn more about the properties and characteristics of this versatile biocomposite.
Hempcrete provides a complete thermal envelope above grade to achieve superior thermal, humidity, sound absorption and air-tightness.
Local source
Natural materials: renewable, abundant, appropriate.
Materials make all the difference when it comes to health, durability, and carbon impact. We help you navigate easily through the myriad of natural building materials and ensure that you have everything you need to design and build well.
Materials Matter.
Local materials are appropriate for their climate, provide accountability to supply chains, and lower the embodied carbon of a building.
let’s create
Sustainable architecture together using hempcrete.
We help you put pen to paper and materials to work by offering a full service solution as consultants, builders, suppliers, and collaborators. Reach out today to see how we can support you in meeting your radically responsible objectives.