Advantages of Hempcrete

For those new to hempcrete, there are some compelling reasons to consider this biocomposite over other construction materials and methods.

Hempcrete is a high-performance construction material that gives occupants a healthy, beautiful, and comfortable environment.


  1. Superior comfort

  2. Healthy indoor environment

  3. Climatic resilience

  4. Positive environmental impact

  5. Beautiful to behold

Superior Comfort

Hempcrete regulates internal humidity conditions naturally.

Hempcrete helps stabilize the internal temperature even without auxiliary heating or cooling from mechanical systems.

Healthy Indoor Environment

Naturally safe/non-toxic – hempcrete is made of 3 simple ingredients: hemp stalks, called hurd, lime-based binder and water

Hempcrete is very versatile – it can be used throughout the structure including floor applications, throughout the walls, and in roof assemblies, compounding the health benefits of hempcrete.

Climatic Resilience

Hempcrete can endure periodic wetting from floods and sustained high humidity conditions without damage.

Hempcrete is fireproof and is an excellent thermal resistor in wildfire conditions.

The lime in hempcrete kills bacteria and is mold resistant, while also deterring pests and vermin.

Positive Environmental Impact

Hemp is rapidly renewable, having a 3-4 month growth cycle, compared to upwards of 25 years for softwood.

Hemp stores a tremendous amount of carbon in its stalk, more than any other construction material. Placed into a building, the material locks away that carbon into the structure.

Hempcrete is a natural biocomposite that is reusable and/or biodegradable at end of the building’s life.

Beautiful to behold

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but these images do speak for themselves!