Next Week: Hempcrete 201 - Take it to the Next Level with this Natural Material

A Northeast Sustainable Energy Association Presentation

On Friday, August 14th at 8am EDT, Tom Rossmassler and Alex Sparrow will be presenting at NESEA’s Building Energy Boston Conference. Thanks to Covid-19, this session has gone virtual. We recorded our session this morning, since the conference relies on pre-recorded video content. This affords the presenters real-time, engaging dialogue via chat with participants. Following the presentation, we’ll additionally host a post-session Q&A via zoom.

For conference participants, we will be available for one-on-one and small group sessions throughout the day.

Hempcrete is a biocomposite walling and insulation material made up of hemp hurds and a lime-based binder.

Hempcrete is a biocomposite walling and insulation material made up of hemp hurds and a lime-based binder.

Brass Tacks

In Hempcrete 201, Alex provides hempcrete design and construction details and Tom delivers supply, cost, carbon, and permitting information. In one hour, they pack in a lot of information, imagery, specifications and guidance.

Beyond the Presentation - Additional Resources

Accompanying the presentation, we are developing PDF documents to assist with sourcing and building approval. We’ll post this information next week.

  • Supply Sourcing of hemp, lime and lime binders, and other complimentary building materials

  • Hempcrete Testing and Research