Source Local to Support Communities Globally.

We support the development of local, abundant, and renewable building material resources in New England because we value accountability.

We expect our partners to utilize sustainable farm, forestry, and quarry practices, while challenging and encouraging them along the way.


  • We build community and strengthen the resilience of the region.

  • We advocate for equitable practices and support land stewardship.

  • We lower the carbon impact of materials getting to the site.

doing so, we help protect and preserve the land and the soil that sustains our food systems and building material resources.

When we hold ourselves and our partners accountable, we provide feedback loops. We learn what our communities can offer, and we adjust our expectations to fit within what is reasonable.

We serve as a model for what is possible everywhere - adapting to the viability of our landscapes. This is essential work for finding a better way forward.

But, we are not reinventing the wheel - our local farming communities have been doing this for eons. We are simply expanding on a model that has proven to be successful. We invite you to join us on this exciting adventure.