We are All Learning as We Go

In our industry - there is a push to act as though we have all the answers, as though we are certain that what we are designing and building and engineering is the end-all-be-all. As though we’ve reached the pinnacle of our knowledge and have nothing more to learn or gain.

It’s simply not true.

Furthermore, by pretending as though we have it all figured out, we limit our industry to evolution - to figuring out what is possible. The truth is, we are always learning, always growing our understanding of the world around us.

Let’s not Pretend to have all the answers

Instead, let us recognize that our understanding of the world is constantly evolving. We seek the best information available on the subject of sustainable architecture, and act on that knowledge, ever curious about what new insights and knowledge is available.

We seek understanding and share knowledge in ever-continuing iterations in order to stay on the cusp of what is possible. We invite your critical thinking, engaged participation, and curious ideas.

Together, we will change the world.