Wood Wool Board - a Complementary Natural Building Material
Introducing Wood Wool
Known for its acoustic value, this natural building material has a bonus ability to readily accept lime and clay plasters as part of a complete vapor active assembly. Combined with hempcrete and plaster, this offers a seamlessly consistent interior finish.
Wood Wool Board AKA Wood Fiber
Known as wood wool board throughout the UK, this product has been manufactured in the US since the 1940 yet is relatively unknown in the construction market beyond acoustic panels and roof decking. A shame, as wood wool has some excellent properties as a solid wall and ceiling covering:
Surfaces can be left exposed for stellar acoustic performance of Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) between .45 to .95, depending on product specification
NRC is given in a range from 0-1, with 0 having no sound reduction, and 1 offering complete sound absorption, as defined by ASTM Standard Test Method for Sound Absorption.
Wood Wool/wood fiber can be ordered in a wide variety of colors, or left raw and natural (as shown)
Surfaces can be covered with natural clay or lime plasters mixed with local mason sand to create a variety of beautiful finishes that are non-toxic and simple to maintain.
Simple Materials; Renewable & Robust Result
Renewable: Ash and Aspen wood fibers propagate readily when harvested and store carbon dioxide in their cell structure.
Durable: Magnesium-based binder provides fire and vermin resistance and flexural resistance for the panels.
Easy to install: Panels can be directly applied to stud framing with drywall screws.
Wood Wool and Hempcrete, a great match
Wood wool boards can serve as an integral part of hempcrete building assemblies in the following ways:
as a permanent formwork for cast-in-place construction, particularly around window and door reveals
ceiling boards for casting hempcrete in roof assemblies
permanent internal wall boards for continuous plaster detailing