Project Management: Repairs and Re-dos
It is inevitable that throughout the building process, repairs will be needed on a hempcrete structure that will affect both the hempcrete and the lime plaster. It needs to be clear with yourself as the project manager and the other trades partners on the project that anytime there needs to be a change to the hempcrete, you need to start the clock over with dry time. This is not bad, as hempcrete can be reapplied after testing, but the wetness will have an impact on the next phase, this being lime plaster.
The general two rules of thumb for moving onto lime plaster install:
From UK Hempcrete, 25% relative humidity at 1 3/8’ deep in wall
From Americhanvre, 20% relative humidity at 3/8' deep in wall
Base coat lime plaster
Technically, you can install your lime plaster before that, as a substrate that is hard, saturated, and absorbent will do. However, tannins from the hempcrete can leach into the lime plaster and change the color if the relative humidity is above the two designations above. Likely, the client will care about what the plaster looks like so best practice is keep the material at the right specification of dryness before moving onto the next step. Repairs and re-dos are an inevitable and manageable part of the construction process. The easiest way to do this is to communicate with your team and manage expectations.