
What do you stand for?

People often seem surprised when I name my values as if offering the names of my children. Authenticity, peace, passion, connection, creativity, harmony with nature, and financial security. Seven solid rocks that form my foundation. I wear my values on my sleeve, so when Tom and I embarked on HempStone together, it felt natural to do the same with our shared values.

We don’t put our values in a drawer; they define us. We each bring an overarching set of values to the business, and have combined them to create something new, something that elevates the potential for each of us to manifest the change that we seek in the world. Our values do that, so they naturally are part of who we are.

Thus, RADICAL is born.

Resilient- we remain adaptable; capable of withstanding change and shock without breaking.

Accountable - we hold each other responsible for our actions, not to place blame, but to inspire the best in each other and ourselves.

Disruptive - we step boldly forward into the unknown, willing to instill any and all changes needed to foster a better tomorrow.

Inclusive - we invite others to participate and engage, and value the perspective and learning that is gained in doing so.

Co-creative - we bring all of ourselves to the table and work to make something that serves to enhance the world for all.

Abundant - we see the vast potential before us and harmonize our energy in a creative and life-affirming way.

Loving - we act from a place of love and openness in all that we do.